About preventive medicine examination
In the past, I have lost my mother and best friend to stomach cancer and colorectal cancer, respectively.
Both of them did not undergo regular medical examinations, so when they had symptoms (abdominal pain, loss of appetite, melena, etc.) for the first time when they were examined at a hospital or clinic, they missed the timing of radical treatment and it was too late. I've done it.
It's a bit disappointing to say that it doesn't hurt and it's okay now.
The disease develops asymptomatically, grows quietly, and is diagnosed after symptoms appear later.
It can be too late, which is a shame.
Some families love me, and some children especially need to be protected and raised.
I would definitely recommend a medical examination to those who are in the prime of their work.
In addition, the medical examination department concerned is in the non-insurance medical treatment category (self-financed medical treatment).
Lung cancer, gastric cancer, and colorectal cancer always occupy the top 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in Japan.
First of all, we recommend screening tests for these three major cancers.
自費健診 費用
問診、身長体重計測、腹囲、視力、聴力、血圧、尿検査、胸部レントゲンXP, 心電図、採血分析(末梢血+生化学)
問診、身長体重計測、腹囲、視力、聴力、血圧、尿検査 、胸部レントゲンXP, 心電図、採血分析(末梢血+生化学)
+鎮静剤投与下 胃内視鏡
問診、身長体重計測、腹囲、視力、聴力、血圧、尿検査、胸部レントゲンXP, 心電図、採血分析(末梢血+生化学)
+鎮静剤投与下 胃+大腸内視鏡
①経鼻胃内視鏡(覚醒下) ¥18000
②鎮静剤投与下 胃内視鏡 ¥20000
③鎮静剤投与下 大腸内視鏡 ¥30000
④雇い入れ時 健診 ¥10000
*事業所 所定用紙をご持参ください